



Galaxy Note (GT-N7000)

Device Galaxy Note (GT-N7000)
Manufacturer Samsung
Release date October 2011
Codename n7000
Status Maintained
Variants GSM: GT-N7000
Latest images Replicant 6.0 0003

Replicant status

Replicant status for the Galaxy Note (GT-N7000): ReplicantStatus Replicant 6.0

Replicant installation

To install Replicant on the the Galaxy Note (GT-N7000), see the RecoveryInstallationWithHeimdall and MinorVersionUpgrade wiki pages.

Replicant usage

Replicant build

Replicant build for the Galaxy Note (N7000): GalaxyNoteN7000Build

Replicant development

Freedom and privacy/security issues

Privacy/security issues on the Galaxy Note (GT-N7000): GalaxyNoteN7000PrivacySecurityIssues


Hardware table

Component Name Source Status
SoC Samsung Exynos 4210 Linux kernel Linux kernel support
GPU Mali 400 Linux kernel support, proprietary userspace
Audio Codec Yamaha MC1N2 Linux kernel Linux kernel support (ALSA), free userspace: Yamaha-MC1N2-Audio/Tinyalsa-Audio
Modem XMM6260 Linux kernel Free userspace implementation: Samsung-RIL/libsamsung-ipc
Wi-Fi BCM4330 Linux kernel Linux kernel support, proprietary loaded firmware
Bluetooth BCM4330 Linux kernel Linux kernel support, proprietary loaded firmware
NFC PN544 Linux kernel Linux kernel support
GPS BCM4751 CyanogenMod blob Proprietary userspace, no free implementation: BCM4751
Accelerometer K3DH Linux kernel Linux kernel support, free userspace
Compass AKM8975 Kernel sources Linux kernel support, free userspace
Camera M5MO/S5K5BAFX Linux kernel Linux kernel support, free userspace

Software Configuration


WARNING some content may not be the same on your device

PIT Linux name mount point partition type block device Description
GANG None None ? ? ?
BOOT None None ? ? ?
EFS /efs/ ext4 mmcblk0p1 modem data partition (content)
SBL1 mmcblk0p2 Bootloader
SBL2 mmcblk0p3 Bootloader
PARAM mmcblk0p4
KERNEL None zImage mmcblk0p5 boot partition, See IsorecRecoveryIssue for more details
RECOVERY None zImage mmcblk0p6 recovery partition, See IsorecRecoveryIssue for more details
CACHE mmcblk0p7
MODEM mmcblk0p8
FACTORYFS mmcblk0p9
DATAFS mmcblk0p10
UMS mmcblk0p11
HIDDEN mmcblk0p12
None None None None 0 size partition at the end of the EFS that has "Unused: Yes"

Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli almost 5 years ago · 28 revisions

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