



GalaxySGTI9000 » History » Revision 41

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Wolfgang Wiedmeyer, 04/28/2017 01:34 PM
add S5PC110 hardware design page

Galaxy S (I9000)

Device Galaxy S (I9000)
Manufacturer Samsung
Release date June 2010
Codename galaxysmtd
Status Maintained
Maintainer(s) Paul Kocialkowski
Supported models GSM: I9000
Latest images Replicant 4.2 0004

Replicant status

Replicant 4.2 status

Replicant installation

Galaxy S (I9000) installation

Replicant usage

Replicant build

Galaxy S (I9000) build

Replicant development

Freedom and privacy/security issues

Galaxy S (I9000) freedom issues:

Galaxy S (I9000) Privacy/security issues


Details about the S5PC110 hardware design used in the Galaxy S (I9000): S5PC110HardwareDesign

Hardware table

Component Name Source Status
SoC Samsung S5PC110/S5PV210 Linux kernel Linux kernel support
GPU PowerVR SGX540 Linux kernel support, proprietary userspace
Audio Codec WM8994 Linux kernel Linux kernel support (ALSA), free userspace
Modem XMM6160 XDA-Developers Free userspace implementation: Samsung-RIL/libsamsung-ipc
Wi-Fi BCM4329 Linux kernel Linux kernel support, proprietary loaded firmware
Bluetooth BCM4329 Linux kernel Linux kernel support, proprietary loaded firmware
GPS BCM4751 Proprietary userspace, no free implementation: BCM4751
Accelerometer SMB380 Android module Linux kernel support, free userspace
Compass MS3C Android module Linux kernel support, free userspace
Light Sharp GP2A Linux kernel support, free userspace
Proximity Sharp GP2A Linux kernel support, free userspace
FM Radio SI4709 Linux kernel Linux kernel support
Camera (back) NEC CE147 Linux kernel support, free userspace
Camera (front) Samsung S5KA3DFX Linux kernel support, free userspace
Touchscreen Atmel MXT224 Linux kernel support
Display TL2796 Linux kernel support


These documents are the propriety of Samsung Electronics and are not hosted by the Replicant project.

Updated by Wolfgang Wiedmeyer almost 8 years ago · 41 revisions

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