



GalaxySIII4GGTI9305 » History » Revision 29

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Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli, 01/25/2020 10:26 PM

Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305)

Device Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305)
Manufacturer Samsung
Release date September 2012
Codename i9305
Status Uncompleted
Supported models LTE: I9305
Latest images Replicant 6.0 0002

Replicant status

Replicant status for the Galaxy S 3 (I9305): ReplicantStatus Replicant 6.0

Also, the Galaxy S3 4G (I9305) has an issue that makes it suddenly reboot. See the related bugreport for more details.

Replicant installation

Replicant installation for the Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305): ReplicantStatus Replicant 6.0

Replicant usage

Replicant build

Replicant build for the Galaxy S 3 (I9305): GalaxyS3I9305Build

Replicant development

Freedom and privacy/security evaluation

See GalaxyS3I9305PrivacySecurityEvaluation for more details.


Hardware table

Component Name Source Status
SoC Samsung Exynos 4412 iFixit Linux kernel support
GPU Mali 400 Linux kernel and secret userspace
Audio Codec WM8994 Linux kernel Linux kernel support (ALSA)
Modem Qualcomm MDM9615 Linux kernel free library for QMI protocol, no free RIL yet
Wi-Fi BCM4334 Linux kernel Linux kernel support, proprietary loaded firmware
Bluetooth BCM4334 Linux kernel Linux kernel support, proprietary loaded firmware
NFC PN544 Linux kernel Linux kernel support
GPS Qualcomm MDM9615 Linux kernel partly free userspace
Accelerometer LSM330DLC Linux kernel Linux kernel support, free userspace
Compass AKM8975 Kernel sources Linux kernel support, free userspace
Light/proximity sensor CM36651 Kernel sources Linux kernel support, free userspace
Gyroscope LSM330DLC Kernel sources Linux kernel support, free userspace
Barometer LPS331AP Kernel sources Linux kernel support, free userspace
Camera (back) S5C73M3 Linux kernel Linux kernel support, free userspace
Camera (front) S5K6A3 Linux kernel Linux kernel support, free userspace, proprietary loaded firmware

Software Configuration


WARNING some content may not be the same on your device

PIT Linux name mount point partition type block device Description
SYSTEM SYSTEM /system ext4 mmcblk0p13 system partition
BOOT BOOT None bootimage (mkbootimg) mmcblk0p8 boot.img partition
RECOVERY RECOVERY None bootimage (mkbootimg) mmcblk0p9 recovery partition
USERDATA USERDATA /data ext4 mmcblk0p16 data partition
RADIO RADIO /firmware vfat modem firmware partition
EFS EFS /efs ext4 mmcblk0p3 modem data partition
TOMBSTONES TOMBSTONES /tombstones ext4 ?


See, The mainline kernel probably needs the equivalent of for the modem to work.

Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli about 5 years ago · 29 revisions

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