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Paul Kocialkowski, 09/06/2012 03:45 PM

Getting Logs

When some component misbehaves or stops working on Replicant, it is recommended to:
  1. Get logs showing the issue
  2. Open a ticket on our tracker to report the issue (New issue tab)

Obtaining logs


The Android logging subsystem uses different log buffers: events, main, radio and system.
Generally speaking, when the issue you encountered concerned telephony, including data (3G), the buffer you want is radio. In any other case, that's the main buffer you want.

There are various ways to obtain logs:

Using adb

Start by installing adb:
  • Using the (i386) prebuilt binary from the ReplicantImages latest image. It is located in the tools/ directory, from the Base URL. Download it and make sure it's executable (with chmod a+x adb).
  • Building your own, with the sources from: git://

Now use adb like:

adb logcat -b [BUFFER]

Save the output to a file and attach it to the new issue report.

Using aLogcat

aLogcat is a (free) Android app that will collect logs and save them to a file, either regularly or when you press the Save button from the app menu.
You can set the desired buffer from the Preferences.

After saving the log, you can get it from a file stored in the alogcat folder on the root of storage.

Updated by Paul Kocialkowski over 12 years ago · 1 revisions

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