


Graphics » History » Revision 35

Revision 34 (dl lud, 01/24/2020 08:04 PM) → Revision 35/46 (dl lud, 01/24/2020 08:08 PM)

h1. Graphics 

 h2. History 

 Replicant doesn't rely on the dedicated graphics processor (GPU) for accelerated graphics rendering. Instead it uses the CPU with a technique known as software rendering. Software rendering is the reason why Replicant devices appear slow at times and is responsible for a lot of crashes that can happen during usage. 

 At the beginning of Replicant, using the GPU required non-free software on all of the supported devices. As of today free-software replacements exist for some (but not all) the GPUs used in Replicant compatible devices, but the drivers are not ready yet for Replicant. 

 These drivers implement a subset of the OpenGL ES (GLES) API, and don't support Vulkan, which is now the default for the latest Android versions. They still need to be integrated in Replicant in a way that doesn't make things worse. For instance, due to their incomplete implementation of GLES, it may be needed to configure Replicant to use software rendering for specific apps or system components. 

 There are more details on the various options we are considering in the [[GraphicsResearch]] and [[GraphicsReplicant9]] wiki pages. 

 h2. Software renderers 

 Until [[Images#Replicant-60-0003-images|version 6.0 0003]], Replicant used the [[GraphicsResearch#Android-software-renderer|Android software renderer]], also known as libagl. libagl is fast, but [[Graphics#Known-issues-with-libagl|caused several issues]] due to lack of GLES 2.0 support. 

 As of "Replicant 6.0 0004 rc1":, [[GraphicsResearch#Mesas-llvmpipe|llvmpipe]] is used as the default software renderer. llvmpipe has a more complete GLES implementation than libagl (see #705), so more apps work with it, like Firefox-based browsers or more recent WebViews (see #1780). Unfortunately, llvmpipe is too slow for certain system components, which may also be true for some apps. Furthermore, certain apps still crash with llvmpipe, although less frequently. Usually the screen stays black if an app does not work with llvmpipe. 

 To cater for these issues, Replicant 6.0 0004 includes a "mechanism to choose between llvmpipe and ligagl, on a per process basis": Such mechanism is "actually used": on the Replicant 6.0 0004 images to force some system components (bootanimation, SurfaceFlinger and system_server) to use libagl. 

 h3. Methods to choose the software renderer 

 For all the methods bellow you must have [[ADB]] installed on your computer. Make sure that it can access the device's [[ADB#Accessing-root-shell|root shell]] and that the [[ADB#Modifying-the-system-partition|system partition is mounted as writable]]. 

 h4. Choosing the default software renderer on Replicant 0003 

 The following command switches between llvmpipe and libagl: 
 adb shell "grep -q "ro.libagl=1" /system/build.prop && sed "s/ro.libagl=1/ro.libagl=0/" -i /system/build.prop || sed "s/ro.libagl=0/ro.libagl=1/" -i /system/build.prop"  

 Then reboot the device. To switch back to previous renderer, run the above command again and reboot the device. 

 This method works on both Replicant 6.0 0003 and 0004. Do note that: on 0003 you will start with libagl by default, whereas on 0004 the default is llvmpipe. 

 h4. Choosing the default software renderer on Replicant 0004 

 The following command switches everything back to libagl: 

 And to switch back to the default (libagl for some system components, and llvmpipe for all the rest) 

 Then the device will reboot. 

 h4. Choosing the software renderer for a specific app 

 # Find out the app ID. Example: @org.gnu.icecat@ 
 # Force the app to always use libagl by creating empty file named @libGLES_android@ on it's data directory (e.g. @/data/data/org.gnu.icecat/@). Example command: 
 adb shell touch /data/data/org.gnu.icecat/libGLES_android 
 To force llvmpipe instead, use a file named @libGLES_mesa@. 
 # Restart the app. For instance: kill it and open again. 
 # Get back to the default renderer by removing the file. Example command: 
 adb shell rm /data/data/org.gnu.icecat/libGLES_android 

 This method only works for Replicant 6.0 0004. 


 h4. Choosing the software renderer for a system component 

 The following method only works for Replicant 6.0 0004. 

 System components usually lack a directory in the data partition. Thus, another method must be used to switch their software renderer. 

 # Find out the process name. This can be done by getting the process pid with @ps@ or @pidof@ and then looking at /proc/<pid>/cmdline.  

 For instance for surfaceflinger: 
 shell@i9300:/ $ pidof surfaceflinger 
 shell@i9300:/ $ cat /proc/1984/cmdline ; echo                                   
 Here the process name is @/system/bin/surfaceflinger@. 

 or for system_server: 
 shell@i9300:/ $ pidof system_server 
 shell@i9300:/ $ cat /proc/2362/cmdline ; echo                                   
 Here the process name is @system_server@. 

 # Force the component to always use libagl by creating an empty file at @/system/etc/libGLES_android/<process_name>@. 

 For surfaceflinger: 
 adb shell mkdir -p /system/etc/libGLES_android/system/bin 
 adb shell touch /system/etc/libGLES_android/system/bin/surfaceflinger 
 Or for system_server: 
 adb shell mkdir -p /system/etc/libGLES_android/ 
 adb shell touch /system/etc/libGLES_android/system_server 

 To force llvmpipe instead, create the file under @/system/etc/libGLES_mesa/@. 
 # Reboot your device, or restart the specific system component individually individualy (if possible). 
 # Get back to the default renderer by removing the file. 

 For surfaceflinger: 
 adb shell rm /system/etc/libGLES_android/system/bin/surfaceflinger 

 For system_server: 
 adb shell rm /system/etc/libGLES_android/system_server 

 h2. Known issues with libagl 

 * Selecting the third option besides photo and video (Panorama mode) will crash the Camera app. 
 * Video playback in the browser does not work. (issue #1533) 
 * Screenshots do not work. (see [[Screenshots]] for a workaround) 
 * Selecting wallpapers from storage does not work. 
 * Screen content is sometimes shortly visible before unlocking. (issue #1275, happens with llvmpipe as well) 
 * Previews of the windows in the tasks switcher are missing. 
 * Switching between apps, apps and the launcher or different views inside an app is sometimes slow and the device may seem unresponsive. 
 * There are issues with using folders with the Trebuchet launcher. (issue #1790, happens with llvmpipe as well) 

 h3. Popular apps from F-Droid that do not work with libagl 

 * All Firefox-based browsers like "IceCatMobile": and Orfox 
 * "Document Viewer": 
 * "LibreOffice Viewer": 
 * "RedReader": cannot display images ("upstream bug": 

 h2. Known issues with llvmpipe 

 * Too slow to use in SurfaceFlinger (screen compositor). 
 * If SurfaceFlinger uses llvmpipe, Gallery and Orbot render some GUI elements are visible while the main screen is black. The GUI of Simple File Manager works as long as no image is viewed in fullscreen. 

 h2. See also 

 There is a page about [[GraphicsResearch]] that gathers information to improve graphics support.