ImagesIdentification » History » Revision 39
Revision 38 (Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli, 08/22/2020 04:52 PM) → Revision 39/46 (Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli, 08/22/2020 05:05 PM)
h1. ImagesIdentification
h2. Introduction
In this page, we consider you configured your device language in "english".
If you have installed Replicant a long time ago, you might not remember which exact Replicant version was on the phone.
Some information on the images can be found in Settings->About phone.
Some Replicant images don't clearly indicate which release they correspond to in "Settings->About phone".
However it is still possible find out by matching information like the build date and build number to the release with the data that is in the table below.
h2. Security
Note that this doesn't replace strong cryptographic checks, however it can complement them:
* Anybody with basic programming skills is able to build Replicant images that have arbitrary text displayed in "Settings->About phone".
* The [[RecoveryInstallationWithHeimdall]] guide which is followed during Replicant installation explains [[RecoveryInstallationWithHeimdall#Check-the-signature-of-the-recovery-image| how to check the signature of recovery images]]. Once that signature is checked and that the recovery is installed, the recovery will check the signature of the zip images used during the installation.
* Zip images are also signed with gpg to be able to check them if needed.
* Files can easily be renamed, and once renamed the signatures will still match.
So if you check the signatures in some way, you still need to make sure that you are installing the right Replicant version. This helps checking that.
h2. Help needed
The number of Replicant images released is quite big. We need help to fill the information below, either by:
* Installing and booting a given image on a device where you don't have any valuable data, and filling the information found in this page.
* Finding a way to get the strings reported below from a given image without having to boot it
Feel free to add directly add the information below if you have a wiki account, or to paste it on IRC, or send it to the mailing list. You can pick whichever way suits you best.
The Replicant 6.0 0003 images are the most important ones to complete.
The last Replicant 4.2 images are also interesting, as some people are still using it because they don't exhibit the "sim not recognized bug" that is now fixed since Replicant 6.0 0004 RC1.
Beside that it could be nice to have older images as well, but it's not that important as not many people are using them. It could be a good idea to add them along the way when people test them for one reason or another.
h2. Replicant 6.0
h3. Replicant 6.0 0004 images
Note that at the time of writing, the images are not out yet.
|_. Device |_. Image type |_. Identification |
| All devices | System | *Replicant version*: replicant-6.0-0004 |
h3. Replicant 6.0 0004 RC1 images
|_. Device |_. Image type |_. Identification |
| All devices | System | *Replicant version*: replicant-6.0-0004-rc1 |
h3. Replicant 6.0 0003 images
|_. Device |_. Image type |_. Identification |
| [[GalaxyS2I9100|Galaxy S 2 (I9100)]] | System | * *Kernel version*: 3.0.101-replicant wolfi@machinist #3 Sun Dec 10 21:37:52 UTC 2017
* *Build date*: So 10. Dez 07:02:04 UTC 2017
* *Build number*: replicant_i9100-userdebug 6.0.1 MOI10E eng.wolfi.20171210.065337 |
| [[GalaxyS3I9300|Galaxy S 3 (I9300)]] | System | * *Kernel version*: 3.0.101-replicant wolfi@machinist #1 Sun Dec 10 15:47:55 UTC 2017
* *Build date*: So 10. Dez 14:44:33 UTC 2017
* *Build number*: replicant_i9300-userdebug 6.0.1 MOI10E eng.wolfi.20171210.143631 |
| [[GalaxyS3I9305|Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305)]] | System | * *Kernel version*: 3.0.101-replicant wolfi@machinist #1 Sun Dec 10 18:35:42 UTC 2017
* *Build date*: So 10. Dez 17:31:16 UTC 2017
* *Build number*: replicant_i9305-userdebug 6.0.1 MOI10E eng.wolfi.20171210.172231 |
| [[GalaxyNoteN7000|Galaxy Note (N7000)]] | System | * *Kernel version*: 3.0.101-replicant wolfi@machinist #3 Sun Dec 10 21:44:54 UTC 2017
* *Build date*: So 10. Dez 09:03:56 UTC 2017
* *Build number*: replicant_n7000-userdebug 6.0.1 MOI10E eng.wolfi.20171210.085637 |
| [[GalaxyNote2N7100|Galaxy Note 2 (N7100)]] | System | * *Kernel version*: 3.0.101-replicant wolfi@machinist #1 Sun Dec 10 17:11:15 UTC 2017
* *Build date*: So 10. Dez 16:07:40 UTC 2017
* *Build number*: replicant_n7100-userdebug 6.0.1 MOI10E eng.wolfi.20171210.155927 |
| [[GalaxyNexusI9250|Galaxy Nexus (I9250)]] | System | * *Kernel version*: 3.0.101-replicant wolfi@machinist #1 Sun Dec 10 11:40:22 UTC 2017
* *Build date*: So 10. Dez 10:28:04 UTC 2017
* *Build number*: replicant_maguro-userdebug 6.0.1 MOI10E eng.wolfi.20171210.102026 |
| [[GalaxyTab270P31xx|Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (P31xx)]] |/2. System |/2. * *Kernel version*: 3.0.101-replicant wolfi@machinist #1 Sun Dec 10 14:23:54 UTC 2017
* *Build date*: So 10. Dez 13:21:16 UTC 2017
* *Build number*: replicant_espresso3g-userdebug 6.0.1 MOI10E eng.wolfi.20171210.131314 |
| [[GalaxyTab2101P51xx|Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (P51xx)]] |
| [[GalaxyTab270P31xx|Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 Wi-Fi (P3110)]] |/2. System |/2. * *Kernel version*: 3.0.101-replicant wolfi@machinist #1 Sun Dec 10 13:01:42 UTC 2017
* *Build date*: So 10. Dez 11:59:09 UTC 2017
* *Build number*: replicant_espressowifi-userdebug 6.0.1 MOI10E eng.wolfi.20171210.115131 |
| [[GalaxyTab2101P51xx|Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 Wi-Fi (P5110)]] |
| [[GalaxyNote80N51xx|Galaxy Note 8.0 (N5100)]] | System | * *Kernel version*: 3.0.101-replicant wolfi@machinist #1 Sun Dec 10 20:00:03 UTC 2017
* *Build date*: So 10. Dez 18:55:56 UTC 2017
* *Build number*: replicant_n5100-userdebug 6.0.1 MOI10E eng.wolfi.20171210.184648 |
| [[GalaxyNote80N51xx|Galaxy Note 8.0 Wi-Fi (N5110)]] | System | * *Kernel version*: 3.0.101-replicant wolfi@machinist #1 Sun Dec 10 21:24:46 UTC 2017
* *Build date*: So 10. Dez 20:20:54 UTC 2017
* *Build number*: replicant_n5110-userdebug 6.0.1 MOI10E eng.wolfi.20171210.201121 |
h3. Replicant 6.0 0002 images
h3. Replicant 6.0 0001 images
h2. Replicant 4.2
h3. Replicant 4.2 0004 images
h3. Replicant 4.2 0003 images
h3. Replicant 4.2 0002 images
h3. Replicant 4.2 0001 images
h2. Replicant 4.0
h3. Replicant 4.0 0005 images
h3. Replicant 4.0 0004 images
h3. Replicant 4.0 0003 images
h3. Replicant 4.0 0002 images
h3. Replicant 4.0 0001 images
h2. Replicant 2.3
h3. Replicant 2.3 0005 images
h3. Replicant 2.3 0004 images
h3. Replicant 2.3 0003 images
h3. Replicant 2.3 0002 images
h3. Replicant 2.3 0001 images
h2. Replicant 2.2
h3. Replicant 2.2 0009
h3. Replicant 2.2 0008
h3. Replicant 2.2 0007
h3. Replicant 2.2 0006
h3. Replicant 2.2 0005
h3. Replicant 2.2 0004
h3. Replicant 2.2 0003
h3. Replicant 2.2 0002
h3. Replicant 2.2 0001