


IncompatibleApplicationsAndFeatures » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli, 05/17/2022 02:11 PM) → Revision 2/3 (Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli, 05/17/2022 02:12 PM)

h1. IncompatibleApplicationsAndFeatures 


 h2. Applications that depend on 3D acceleration 

 We have some applications tests in [[GraphicsReplicant11#Tested-apps]]. 

 h2. Applications that depend on hardware video decoding/encoding 

 h3. scrcpy 

 There is a tool named scrcpy that is packaged in various GNU/Linux distributions (including Parabola) that is meant to enable people to control their Android devices from their laptop. 

 That tool depends on video encoding/decoding acceleration[1] so it cannot work with Replicant 6.0 as None of the devices currently have that working. 

 Possible replacements: 

 | Replacement         | Description                       | TODO                      | 
 | RemoteKeyboard[2] | Control the keyboard              | we need to review it[3] |  
 | screencap[4]        | Capture the the screen in a png |                           | 

 For RemoteKeyboard if you try it (for instance after reviewing the code), don't forget to add a password since its listen on @ 



 fn3. [[F-DroidAndApplications#Being-reviewed]] 

 fn4. is an example 

 h2. Applications that depend on the stock Android OS 

 h3. Xgoldmon 

 Xgoldmon is a tool to get modem logs and from that have what is being sent/received through the cellular interface in wireshark 

 For some devices (Galaxy Nexus), Xgoldmon works. For other devices we have extremely limited messages or no messages at all. 

 We didn't manage yet to find out what made the stock distribution work when Replicant or LineageOS don't work. 

 See [[XMMProtocolInterfaces]] for more details.