


Index » History » Revision 164

Revision 163 (Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli, 10/19/2019 05:44 PM) → Revision 164/273 (Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli, 10/19/2019 06:25 PM)

h1. Replicant Wiki 


 p=. !replicant_banner_alpha.png! 

 Welcome to the Replicant wiki, which provides information about Replicant, supported devices and research about other mobile devices and platforms. 
 For more information about Replicant, head over to the "Replicant website": 

 You can help improving the wiki! Wiki editor privileges can be requested by [[Index#Contact|contacting the developers]]. A short description of the changes and additions you want to make is needed as part of the request. The [[DeveloperGuide#Wiki-guidelines|wiki guidelines]] should be followed. 

 *Unless specified otherwise, the information displayed in this wiki is only relevant to the latest Replicant version. Do not assume backwards compatibility of the instructions with old versions of Replicant.* 

 h2. Supported devices 

 h3. Maintained devices 

 * [[GalaxyS2I9100|Galaxy S 2 (I9100)]] 
 * [[GalaxyS3I9300|Galaxy S 3 (I9300)]] 
 * [[GalaxyNoteN7000|Galaxy Note (N7000)]] 
 * [[GalaxyNote2N7100|Galaxy Note 2 (N7100)]] 
 * [[GalaxyNexusI9250|Galaxy Nexus (I9250)]] 
 * [[GalaxyTab270P31xx|Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (P31xx)]] 
 * [[GalaxyTab2101P51xx|Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (P51xx)]] 
 * [[GalaxyNote80N51xx|Galaxy Note 8.0 (N51xx)]] 

 h3. Uncompleted devices 

 * [[GTA04|GTA04]] 
 * [[GalaxyS3I9305|Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305)]] 
 * [[GalaxyNote2N7105|Galaxy Note 2 4G (N7105)]] 

 h3. Unmaintained devices 

 * [[NexusSI902x|Nexus S (I902x)]] 
 * [[GalaxySI9000|Galaxy S (I9000)]] 
 * [[NexusOne|Nexus One]] 
 * [[DreamMagic|Dream/Magic]] 

 h2. Replicant status 

 h3. Maintained versions 

 * [[ReplicantStatus#Replicant-60|Replicant 6.0 status]] 

 h3. Unmaintained versions 

 * [[ReplicantStatus#Replicant-42|Replicant 4.2 status]] 
 * [[ReplicantStatus#Replicant-40|Replicant 4.0 status]] 
 * [[ReplicantStatus#Replicant-23|Replicant 2.3 status]] 
 * [[ReplicantStatus#Replicant-22|Replicant 2.2 status]] 

 h2. Replicant installation and update 

 * [[ReplicantImages|Replicant images]] 
 * [[ReplicantSDK|Replicant SDK]] 

 *Installation instructions:* 
 * [[ImagesIdentification]]: How to find out which Replicant version you are running 
 * [[RecoveryInstallationWithHeimdall|Recovery installation with Heimdall]]: New 'generic' instructions to install (or upgrade) the recovery with Heimdall. 
 * [[ReplicantInstallation|ReplicantInstallation]]: How to install Replicant for the first time. 
 * [[MinorVersionUpgrade|Minor version upgrade]]: How to upgrade to a new release from the same Replicant version (like from 6.0 0003 to 6.0 0004). 

 *Backup instructions:* 
 * [[BackupTheEFS]]: Instructions to backup the modem data partition on devices with such partition 

 *Uncompleted devices:* 
 * [[GTA04Installation|GTA04 installation]] 
 * [[GalaxyS3I9305Installation|Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305) installation]] 

 h2. Replicant usage 

 * [[FDroid|F-Droid]] 
 * [[SDK|Software Development Kit (SDK)]] 

 * [[WifiAdapter|Enabling WiFi with an USB WiFi adapter]] 
 * [[ReplicantUSBNetworking|Replicant USB Networking]] 
 * [[Graphics|Graphics rendering on Replicant]] 
 * [[Screenshots|Taking screenshots]] 
 * [[ADB|Android Debug Bridge (ADB)]] 
 * [[SSH|OpenSSH]] 
 * [[ModemDisable|Deactivating the modem]] 
 * General-purpose [[UsageNotes|usage notes]] and tips 
 * [[Safe mode]]: How to enter Android's safe mode (useful for devices stuck in a boot loop). 

 See the [[Index#Supported-devices|device pages]] for device-specific usage information. 

 h2. Replicant build 

 * [[Replicant60BuildDependenciesInstallation|Replicant 6.0 build [[BuildDependenciesInstallation|Build dependencies installation]] 
 * [[ReplicantSourceCode|Replicant source code]] 

 * [[SDKBuild|SDK build]] 

 * [[GenericReplicant60Build|Generic Replicant 6.0 Build]]: Instruction to build Replicant 6.0 

 * [[UnsignedBuildsInstallation]] 

 * [[GTA04Build|GTA04 build]] 
 * [[GalaxyS3I9305Build|Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305) build]] 

 * [[KernelBuild|Standalone Kernel build]] 

 h2. Contributing to Replicant 

 There are many different ways to contribute to Replicant depending on your skills and available time or other resources 
 * "Financial contributions": can be made via our fiscal sponsor, The Free Software Foundation. 
 * [[DonateDevices|Donate devices]] that are listed here so that we can use them for development. 
 * [[Tasks]] to improve Replicant 
 * [[TasksToFund|Tasks to fund]]: draft on a new task page which includes tasks that can be funded 
 * [[DeveloperGuide|Developer guide]] 
 * [[ToolsInstallation|Tools installation]] 
 * [[GettingLogs|Getting logs]] 
 * [[Serial port|Serial port]] 
 * [[Bootloaders|Bootloaders]] 
 * [[GDBDebugging|GDB debugging]] 
 * [[Workshops|Workshops]]: How to organize a Replicant workshop 

 Some [[Index#Supported-devices|device pages]] also have development sections. 

 h3. Replicant porting guides 

 * [[Replicant60PortingGuide|Replicant 6.0 porting guide]] 
 * [[Replicant40PortingGuide|Replicant 4.0 porting guide]] 

 h3. Hardware support 

 * Samsung IPC protocol support with [[Samsung-RIL]] and [[libsamsung-ipc]] 

 h2. Research 

 h3. Freedom privacy and security research 

 * Details about the [[SamsungGalaxyBackdoor|Samsung Galaxy back-door]], that affects some Samsung Galaxy devices 
 * [[AntiFeatures]]: anti-features inherited by upstream. 
 * [[LocationTracking|Location Tracking]] Research on how to avoid location tracking 
 * "Security Analysis of Android Factory Resets": 
 * [[ModemIsolation|Modem isolation]] Information on freedom, privacy and security issues on the topic 
 * [[Qualcomm SOCs| Qualcomm System On a Chip]]: This has freedom, privacy and security requirements to support Qualcomm system on a chip in Replicant, and why theses requirements are currently not met. 
 * The [[Index#Supported-devices|device pages]] also contain hardware-specific research and a freedom and privacy/security evaluation for the respective device. 

 h3. Hardware components support research 

 Research on how to support specific hardware components (chips, various system on a chip, etc) in Replicant. 

 * [[BCM4751]] GPS protocol support 
 * [[GSD4t]] GPS protocol support 
 * [[AKM8976A]] support 
 * [[OMAP4DucatiCamera|OMAP4 Ducati camera]] support 
 * [[QMI-RIL]] QMI protocol support 
 * [[WiFi]] Research on how to get free software WiFi firmwares and USB OTG support 
 * [[Exynos4 Bootrom]] Research on how weather it's possible or not to run a free software bootloader on the Exynos4 
 * [[Qualcomm SOCs| Qualcomm System On a Chip]]: This has freedom, privacy and security requirements to support Qualcomm system on a chip in Replicant, and why theses requirements are currently not met. 

 h3. Device evaluations research 

 Device specific evaluation and research 

 * [[HardwareRequirements]] Documentation and research on Android hardware requirements 
 * [[OptimusBlack|Optimus Black (P970)]] including development notes 
 * [[Pinephone]] 
 * [[Librem5]] 
 * [[Necuno Mobile|NECUNOS NC_1]] 
 * [[TargetsEvaluation| Various other devices]] 

 h3. Software projects research (Upstream, dependencies, Replicant versions, etc) 

 * [[Dependencies]] Development efforts to enable to build Replicant on various GNU/Linux distributions 
 * [[GraphicsResearch|Graphics Research]] Research on free software graphics driver implementations 
 * [[Porting Replicant to Android 9]]: Tracks the progress of porting Replicant to Android 9 
 * [[Upstream|Upstream]] Research on approaches to use upstream Linux and generic HAL in Replicant 
 * [[Toolchain]] Development efforts to remove prebuilt binaries from the source tree 
 * [[BackupsResearch]]: Research on backups partitions for various purposes (Backuping your data, Replicant or to do some research) 

 h3. Bug documentation research 

 * [[SIM not recognized with libsamsung-ipc and samsung-ril]] 

 h3. Other research 

 * [[TestingInfrastructure|Testing infrastructure]] How to create a test infrastructure for Replicant 
 * [[OutdatedPages]] Pages that are not used anymore. They are kept and linked from here for history purposes. 

 h2. Contact 

 If you have any questions or want to talk to the developers, you can use any of the following: 
 * "Forums":/projects/replicant/boards 
 * IRC: #replicant at "Freenode": 
 * "Mailing list": ("searchable archive": of the list) 

 For private, confidential or press-related inquiries: 
 * [[PrivateContact|Private contact]] 

 h2. Public 

 * [[ReplicantArtwork|Replicant artwork]]  
 * [[People]]: People that are interested in contributing in Replicant, that are contributing to it, or that have been contributing to it. 
 * [[ReplicantInfrastructure]] Description of the network infrastructure of Replicant (Redmine, git, etc), and the other project resources 
 * [[Conferences]] presented on behalf of the Replicant project 
 * [[EventsMeetings]] planning for meetings and events at conferences 
 * [[SteeringCommittee]]: Replicant steering committee, reports on project decisions and fund usage 
 * [[TasksFunding|Tasks funding]]: Tasks that will be funded, are being funded or have been funded. 
 * [[PublicPositions]] public positions of Replicant 

 The wiki is available under the "Creative Commons BY-SA": license.