h1. Nexus One Build This explains how to build Replicant for the Nexus One. h2. Prerequisites Before building, you must make sure: * You have installed the [[BuildDependenciesInstallation]] * You have downloaded Replicant 2.2 or Replicant 2.3 sources: [[ReplicantSourceCode]] * Your sources are up to date: [[ReplicantSourceCode#DownloadingUpdating-the-source-from-the-repos|Downloading/Updating the source from the repos]] * You are in the directory where the sources were downloaded h2. Warning *Do not build as root, always build as user.* h2. Building Setup the build environment:
source build/envsetup.sh
lunch replicant_passion-eng
Start the build:
parallel_tasks=$(echo "$(grep 'processor' /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l ) + 1" | bc)
make -j$parallel_tasks distimages
The -jn argument is to indicate the number of parallel tasks during the build. You can remove it from the command line to have only one task at a time. With fast hardware, best results will come with @-j9@, @-j16@ and @-j32@. h2. Output files Find the produced files: * built target images: @out/target/product/passion/@ * built host tools: @out/host/linux-x86/bin/@