



Nexus One Proprietary

This is the list of the proprietary libraries, binaries and firmwares shipped with Cyanogenmod or the factory images on the Nexus One and the status of their replacement.

Note on shipping non-free programs

Note that we don't ship any proprietary binary, library or firmware.
First because our goal is to reach a 100% free Android distribution and also because sometimes, these are not even distributable.


Library location Function Can be replaced or avoided? works or can work?
/system/lib/ Radio Interface library reference ril is usable(tested renaming the reference ril after installation) replaced
/system/lib/egl/* 3d userspace libraries and drivers ? not necessary
/system/lib/ gps library could possibly be replaced,untested fully replaced
/system/lib/ camera library we can avoid it, using camera stubs no(camera is not highly necessary)


Firmware location Function What depends on it?
/system/etc/firmware/*.acdb Audio "card" firmware sound,calls(because calls need sound)
/system/vendor/firmware/fb_bcm4329*.bin wifi firmware wifi (and bluetooth?)
/system/etc/vpimg ? Microphone


Updated by Wolfgang Wiedmeyer almost 8 years ago · 30 revisions

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