OFono-RIL » History » Version 3
Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli, 02/23/2020 01:39 AM
1 | 1 | Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli | h1. oFono-RIL |
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3 | h2. Presentation |
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5 | In the [[ContributorsMeetingJuly2019|Replicant contributors meetings of July 2019]], there is a presentation on the oFono RIL: @Replicant and oFono based Java RIL@ |
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7 | h2. Source code |
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9 | * https://git.replicant.us/contrib/scintill/ |
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11 | h2. Status |
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13 | 3 | Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli | The OFono RIl works[1], but it's not integrated yet into Replicant and it also has several bugs that need to be fixed. |
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15 | References: |
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17 | fn1. From #replicant, the 22 February 2020: |
18 | < scintill[m]> Hey all. I've been working again on the RIL for Note 2 LTE, and eventually other |
19 | Qualcomm modems. I've got data working a few times, but it's not reliable. I'm |
20 | looking into issues with audio calls too. It seems, for some reason, ofono doesn't |
21 | get an acknowledgement that a dialed call has started. |