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Wolfgang Wiedmeyer, 05/02/2017 10:12 PM
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- Table of contents
- Conferences
This is a list of conferences that were presented on behalf of the Replicant project.
Some of the content presented during those conferences may be outdated: do not assume that all the facts are still accurate!
Replicant : appareils mobiles, logiciels libres et vie privée¶
- Event page:
- Speakers: Paul Kocialkowski
- Date: 2 July 2016
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Language: English
Les appareils mobiles, tels que les téléphones portables ou tablettes sont de plus en plus présent dans notre usage de l'informatique et sont particulièrement sujets aux questions de liberté et de vie privée/sécurité. Étant de véritables ordinateurs, il est possible d'y exécuter du logiciel libre, même si la situation est loin d'être parfaite.
Cet exposé présentera Replicant dans le cadre de l'initiative visant à libérer les appareils mobiles. En premier lieu, les problèmes majeurs liés à la liberté sur ces appareils seront abordés. Il s'agira de détailler la situation pour chaque composant et à chaque niveau, en proposant ainsi un aperçu complet. Ainsi, de nombreuses considérations sur différents aspects seront présentées, allant de la liberté du matériel jusqu'au système d'exploitation, en passer par les micrologiciels. Après avoir dressé un bilan de la situation, les remédiations possibles à plus ou moins court terme seront présentées. C'est dans ce cadre que s'inscrit le projet Replicant, distribution entièrement libre d'Android pour plusieurs appareils, un système mobile libre mettant l'accent sur la liberté et la vie privée/sécurité. L'état du projet ainsi que les différents challenges et objectifs futurs seront ainsi présentés.
- Slides: replicant-appareils-mobiles-logiciels-libres-vie-privee.pdf (OSUOSL), replicant.pdf (PSESHSF) Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0
- Video: replicant-appareils-mobiles-logiciels-libres-vie-privee.webm (OSUOSL) Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0
Coliberator 2016¶
Replicant Keynote¶
- Event page:
- Speakers: Paul Kocialkowski
- Date: 5 June 2016
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Language: English
- Slides: replicant-keynote.pdf (OSUOSL) Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0
FOSDEM 2016¶
The road to liberating software at the lower levels¶
- Event page:
- Speakers: Paul Kocialkowski
- Date: 30 January 2016
- Duration: 15 minutes
- Language: English
Liberating the software running at the lower levels of the hardware we use, either on the main processor or on controllers and peripherals can reveal to be quite challenging. There is a series of (more or less) usual limitations to overcome in the process, each of them being a challenge for free software developers, with the potential of fatally blocking a free software implementation.
This talk will highlight the process of liberating the software running at the lower levels of devices we use. In particular, it will focus on each recurrent limitation that is encountered when freeing a device, with an insight on the process to overcoming them, when possible at all.
Various examples will be shown, drawn from experience liberating mobile devices at the operating system level (with Replicant), at the bootloader level and other devices such as a Chromebook laptop and another laptop's embedded controller.
Finally, the question of the free software replacement's installation process for end users will be mentioned, with positive and negative examples and suggestions for making the process less painful in general.
- Slides: the-road-to-liberating-software-at-the-lower-levels.pdf (OSUOSL) Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0
- Video: the-road-to-liberating-software-at-the-lower-levels.webm (OSUOSL) Creative Commons BY 2.0
JM2L 2015¶
Libérer son mobile avec Replicant : politique, technique¶
- Event page:
- Speakers: Benjamin Bayart, Paul Kocialkowski
- Date: 28 November 2015
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Language: French
Les appareils mobiles sont privilégiés pour nos communications et gardent grand nombre de données personnelles, en plus de ce qu'ils ont la capacité de collecter via les différents capteurs qu'ils embarquent. Il semble donc nécessaire de pouvoir réellement contrôler ces appareils. Replicant vise à libérer ces appareils. Présentation, enjeux, et limites.
- Slides: liberer-son-mobile-avec-replicant-politique-technique.pdf (OSUOSL) Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0
Bazar du Libre 2015¶
Libérer son mobile avec Replicant : politique, technique¶
- Event page:
- Speakers: Benjamin Bayart, Paul Kocialkowski
- Date: 21 November 2015
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Language: French
Les appareils mobiles sont privilégiés pour nos communications et gardent grand nombre de données personnelles, en plus de ce qu'ils ont la capacité de collecter via les différents capteurs qu'ils embarquent. Il semble donc nécessaire de pouvoir réellement contrôler ces appareils. Replicant vise à libérer ces appareils. Présentation, enjeux, et limites.
Cette présentation mettra donc l'accent sur les enjeux du contrôle des appareils mobiles, l'état actuel de la situation ainsi que les remèdes possibles et leurs limitations, avec le projet Replicant. Une présentation du projet et de son état actuel sera ainsi abordée, accompagnée d'un aperçu du travail technique nécessaire à la libération des appareils mobiles. En particulier, il s'agira de mentionner les techniques d'ingénierie inverse qui peuvent-être utilisées pour écrire des remplacements libres pour les composants propriétaires et de mettre en évidence les aspects instructifs et valorisants du processus, tout en démystifiant leur difficulté.
- Slides: liberer-son-mobile-avec-replicant-politique-technique.pdf (OSUOSL) Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0
- Audio: liberer-son-mobile-avec-replicant-politique-technique.oga (OSUOSL) Creative Commons BY 4.0
Brest en Biens Communs 2015¶
Replicant Système d exploitation libre pour smartphone¶
- Event page:
- Speakers: Benjamin Bayart, Paul Kocialkowski
- Date: 17 October 2015
- Duration: 90 minutes
- Language: French
Dans la lignée du mouvement du logiciel libre, Replicant est une facette de nos infrastructures de communication : à l’heure où l’informatique mobile (ordiphone, tablette,...) prend son envol, il est indispensable que les utilisateurs aient le contrôle de leur machine pour garder le contrôle de leurs informations personnelles (carnet d’adresse, agenda, SMS/appels reçus/émis,...), de leur liberté d’information et de leur liberté d’expression ainsi que du droit au secret de leur correspondance.
Après une introduction par Benjamin Bayart, Paul Kocialkowski présentera le projet Replicant, les différentes manières d’y contribuer, les enjeux d’un système d’exploitation mobile libre et les problématiques attenantes aux modems privateurs (hors de contrôle de l’utilisateur) incorporés dans nos ordiphones.
- Slides: replicant-systeme-exploitation-libre-pour-smartphones.pdf (OSUOSL) Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0
CCCamp 2015¶
Liberating mobile devices with Replicant and contributing¶
- Event page:
- Speaker: Paul Kocialkowski
- Date: 15 August 2015
- Duration: 5 minutes
- Language: English
This lightning talk will (quickly) highlight various aspects of developing on Replicant, the fully free Android-based mobile operating system. It will provide some insight about why more developers should join-in and how to get started with it.
- Slides: liberating-mobile-devices-with-replicant-and-contributing.pdf (OSUOSL) Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0
- Video: liberating-mobile-devices-with-replicant-and-contributing.webm (OSUOSL) Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0
Replicant: software freedom and privacy-security on mobile devices¶
- Event page:
- Speaker: Paul Kocialkowski
- Date: 8 August 2015
- Duration: 45 minutes
- Language: English
This will introduce an overview of how different parts of a mobile device interact, which parts can run free software and what problems arise when it comes to privacy and security.
- Slides: replicant-software-freedom-and-privacy-security-on-mobile-devices.pdf (OSUOSL) Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
RMLL 2015¶
Étapes accomplies pour la libération des appareils mobiles par le projet Replicant¶
- Event page:
- Speaker: Paul Kocialkowski
- Date: 7 July 2015
- Duration: 40 minutes
- Language: French
Cet exposé présentera Replicant dans le cadre de l’initiative visant à libérer les appareils mobiles. En premier lieu, les problèmes majeurs liés à la liberté sur ces appareils seront abordés, ainsi que différentes considérations à propos de la sécurité de ces appareils et des communications qu’ils peuvent effectuer. Par la suite, Replicant sera introduit comme réponse à certaines de ces problématiques. Les différentes étapes du projet au fil des années ainsi que l’ensemble du travail accompli pour la prise en charge de différents appareils seront présentés, en particulier au travers de l’écriture de remplacements libres pour les composants propriétaires. Plusieurs exemples parmi les plus laborieux seront particulièrement mis en lumière. L’état actuel du projet ainsi que les récents développements seront présentés par la suite. Finalement, cette présentation abordera en quoi les appareils actuellement pris en charge sont fondamentalement imparfaits pour le logiciel libre et quelles sont les conséquences qui en découlent vis-à-vis de l’orientation et du développement actuel et futur de Replicant.
- Slides: etapes-accomplies-pour-lal-liberation-des-appareils-mobiles-par-le-projet-replicant.pdf (OSUOSL) Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
- Video: v1253b419ccb19taidsg_high.webm (RMLL), etapes-accomplies-pour-lal-liberation-des-appareils-mobiles-par-le-projet-replicant.webm (OSUOSL) Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
- Audio: v1253b419ccb19taidsg_audio.oga (RMLL), etapes-accomplies-pour-lal-liberation-des-appareils-mobiles-par-le-projet-replicant.oga (OSUOSL) Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
Liberating mobile devices from the ground up¶
- Event page:
- Speaker: Paul Kocialkowski
- Date: 8 July 2015
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Language: English
Most mainstream mobile devices are fatally flawed when it comes to software freedom since they are unable to function without proprietary software on their main processing unit. In particular, most of those devices ship with proprietary bootloaders: early software that is in charge of bringing up the hardware and loading the operating system. While free software bootloaders exist and provide support for a wide range of different platforms, mainstream mobile devices very often do not allow running free bootloaders because of enforced numeric signature checks.
However, once in a while, we come across a few devices or platforms that allow running free bootloaders and thus show true potential for taking freedom to the next step. Some of those will be presented, along with the communities built around them. In particular, the work conducted to liberate the LG Optimus Black (P970) will be presented with detail, as well as the efforts to free Allwinner platforms by the linux-sunxi community and the work on the GTA04 and Neo900 phones, built around the OpenPhoenux community.
- Slides: liberating-mobile-devices-from-the-ground-up.pdf (OSUOSL) Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
- Video: v1253b43710ebn62dgjg_high.webm (RMLL), liberating-mobile-devices-from-the-ground-up.webm (OSUOSL) Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
- Audio: v1253b43710ebn62dgjg_audio.oga (RMLL), liberating-mobile-devices-from-the-ground-up.oga (OSUOSL) Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
FOSDEM 2015¶
Reached milestones and ongoing development on Replicant¶
- Event page:
- Speaker: Paul Kocialkowski
- Date: 1 February 2015
- Duration: 45 minutes
- Language: English
Replicant was started as a pragmatic way to achieve software freedom on mobile devices, as a fully free version of Android. Over the years, support was added for a dozen of different mainstream devices. However, most of these are severely flawed when it comes to software freedom and privacy/security. Thus, it was decided to focus the development effort on a few specific devices that perform better than others from those perspectives, instead of trying to catch up with the latest mainstream devices.
This talk will first cover what was accomplished by the Replicant project over the last few years and what milestones have been reached. This includes an overview of the work that was completed to support various devices, especially when it comes to writing free software replacements for proprietary components. Some of the most challenging examples will be highlighted and put in perspective as milestones for the project. In addition, some of the work on making the system better regarding privacy and security will be mentioned. Once the improvement of the situation is acknowledged, this talk will show how most of these devices are still fundamentally flawed, hence opening up two possible ways for the future of the project: adding support for more and more new devices and recent Android versions or focusing on a handful of devices that show real potential for being liberated. Hence, the second part of this presentation will introduce the recent efforts that were started to support devices that can take freedom to the next step. Some of these exciting devices will be presented in details, with a description of the journey to freeing them from the ground up!
- Slides: reached-milestones-and-ongoing-development-on-replicant.pdf (OSUOSL), Reached_milestones_and_ongoing_development_on_Replicant.pdf (FOSDEM) Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
- Video: reached-milestones-and-ongoing-development-on-replicant.webm (OSUOSL) Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
Capitole du Libre 2014¶
Replicant: appareils mobiles et logiciel libre¶
- Event page:
- Speaker: Paul Kocialkowski
- Date: 15 November 2014
- Duration: 50 minutes
- Language: French
Les appareils mobiles, tels que les téléphones portables ou tablettes sont de plus en plus présent dans notre usage del'informatique et sont particulièrement sujets aux questions de liberté et de vie privée/sécurité. Étant de véritables ordinateurs, il est aisé d'y exécuter du logiciel libre, même si la situation est loin d'être parfaite.
Cet exposé présentera Replicant dans le cadre de l'initiative visant à libérer les appareils mobiles. En premier lieu, les problèmes majeurs liés à la liberté sur ces appareils seront abordés, ainsi que différentes considérations à propos de la sécurité de ces appareils et des communications qu'ils peuvent effectuer, d'un scénario idéal à la réalité d'aujourd'hui. Par la suite, la question des composants propriétaires requis pour de nombreuses versions communautaires d'Android sera abordée, ainsi que les réponses qu'apporte Replicant à ces problèmes. Plusieurs versions communautaires d'Android seront mentionnées, de même que d'autres systèmes tels que Firefox OS ou Ubuntu Touch. Un aperçu de ce-qui a été accompli au sein du projet Replicant au fil des années sera présenté, de même que les difficultés que nous avons pu rencontrer récemment et l'état actuel du projet.
- Slides: replicant-appareils-mobiles-et-logiciel-libre.pdf (OSUOSL) replicant.pdf (Capitole du Libre), Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
- Video: replicant-appareils-mobiles-et-logiciel-libre.webm (OSUOSL) kocialkowski-replicant-appareils-mobiles-logiciel-libre.webm (Capitole du Libre), Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0
- Audio: replicant-appareils-mobiles-et-logiciel-libre.ogg (OSUOSL) kocialkowski-replicant-appareils-mobiles-logiciel-libre.ogg (Capitole du Libre), Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0
RMLL 2014¶
Replicant: software freedom on mobile device¶
- Event page:
- Speaker: Paul Kocialkowski
- Date: 8 July 2014
- Duration: 50 minutes
- Language: English
Android is developed by Google mostly as open source, through the Android Open Source Project. However, AOSP cannot actually run on most devices without proprietary software for supporting various hardware features. Back in 2010, the Replicant project was founded by a couple of free software enthusiasts to try and bring a fully free version of Android to the first Android phone, the HTC Dream, by replacing or avoiding the proprietary parts. Four years later, more than 10 different devices are supported by the project, which still focuses primarily on software freedom. Hence, making Replicant the only mobile operating system that truly puts the emphasis on freedom.
This talk will present Replicant as part of the effort to reach software freedom on (telephony-enabled) mobile devices. First, it will introduce the major freedom issues that are encountered on these devices, as well as considerations regarding the security of these devices and the communications made with them, from an ideal scenario to what the reality actually is today. The talk will then focus on the proprietary parts needed by most open source mobile operating system and how Replicant comes into play. Various community Android versions will be mentionned, as well as other systems such as Firefox OS or Ubuntu Touch. An overview of what was accomplished by the Replicant project over the years will then be mentioned, as well as the challenges we are currently facing and the current state of the project. Finally, a demonstration of Replicant running on various devices will be shown!
- Slides: replicant-software-freedom-on-mobile-devices.pdf (OSUOSL), Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
An overview of Replicant development¶
- Event page:
- Speaker: Paul Kocialkowski
- Date: 9 July 2014
- Duration: 40 minutes
- Language: English
The Replicant project was founded four years ago as a fully free version of Android. While Google releases most of Android as open source, with the Android Open Source Project, it still cannot run as-is on any actual device, since it needs proprietary programs for handling various parts of the hardware. Replicant however intends to run on actual devices while not compromising on software freedom. Hence, the proprietary parts are not part of Replicant and are instead either avoided or replaced. Over time, a good share free software replacements for the proprietary components was developed by the project, each time a new challenge for the developers involved!
This technical talk will describe how free replacements for the user-space proprietary components (in charge of the hardware) are developed by the Replicant project. Numerous examples of the general approach we use for figuring out what these proprietary parts actually do will be given. The intent of this talk is to highlight how reverse engineering such proprietary programs is often not as hard as it sounds and can in fact be accomplished without particular knowledge of very advanced techniques. The talk also intends to demonstrate that getting involved in the project only requires basic programming knowledge, time and a good share of curiosity and ingeniosity! Replicant is currently a one-man effort, hence particularly looking forward to seeing new developers getting involved.
- Slides: an-overview-of-replicant-development.pdf (OSUOSL), Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
ARM devices and your freedom¶
- Event page:
- Speaker: Paul Kocialkowski
- Date: 9 July 2014
- Duration: 40 minutes
- Language: English
ARM devices have become an overwhelming part of our computing, present in most embedded and mobile devices. While free software seems prominent on ARM platforms, for instance with Android on phones and tablets, and various other GNU/Linux systems on single board computers and plug computers, not all systems and platforms are equal in terms of software freedom.
Over this talk, various aspects of the platforms built around the ARM architecture will be reviewed from the perspective of software freedom. First, it will introduce what ARM is and the concept of System on a Chip (SoC) as well as the different form factors and use cases for ARM devices. An overview of the various hardware platforms that use the ARM architecture will then be drawn, along with comparisons between these platforms regarding software freedom. The communities build around some of these platforms will also be introduced. The talk will put the emphasis on the free software and systems available for each platform.
- Slides: arm-devices-and-your-freedom.pdf (OSUOSL), Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
ICFOSS Workshop on Free Mobile Platforms 2014¶
Replicant: software freedom on mobile devices¶
- Event page:
- Speaker: Paul Kocialkowski
- Date: 11-12 March 2014
- Duration: 40 minutes
- Language: English
- Video: replicant-software-freedom-on-mobile-devices.webm (OSUOSL), Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
- Slides: replicant-software-freedom-on-mobile-devices.pdf (OSUOSL), Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
Giroll Party Automne 2013¶
Libérer son Android : un aperçu du développement de Replicant¶
- Event page:
- Speaker: Paul Kocialkowski
- Date: 23 November 2013
- Duration: 50 minutes
- Language: French
- Slides: liberer-son-android-un-apercu-du-developpement-de-replicant.pdf (OSUOSL), Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
LibrePlanet 2013¶
Replicant: addressing Android freedom issues¶
- Event page:
- Speaker: Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli
- Date: 24 March 2013
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Language: English
The talk will go through the freedom issues in android, their possible solutions, and then in the second part of I will present the Replicant project in more detail.
- Video: replicant-addressing-android-freedom-issues.webm (OSUOSL), Replicant_addressing_Android_freedom_issues_Denis_Carikli_S-640p.webm (FSF), Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
- Slides: replicant-addressing-android-freedom-issues.pdf (OSUOSL), Denis Carikli - Replicant_en.pdf (FSF), Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
FOSDEM 2013¶
Android freedom and Replicant¶
- Event page:
- Speaker: Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli
- Date: 3 February 2013
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Language: English
This talk will deal with the freedom issues in android, their solutions and the Replicant project ( that is a 100% Free software distribution of android.
- Slides: android-freedom-and-replicant.pdf (OSUOSL), Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
Droidcon Spain 2012¶
Replicant: Addressing freedom issues in android¶
- Event page:
- Speaker: Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli
- Date: 7 December 2012
- Duration: 45 minutes
- Language: English
The Replicant project aims at developing a fully free derivative of Android, and focus mainly on phones. This talk will explain the freedom issues with Android and their solutions. It will also explain how Replicant is developed.
- Video: replicant-addressing-freedom-issues-in-android.webm (OSUOSL), Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
- Slides: replicant-addressing-freedom-issues-in-android.pdf (OSUOSL), Replicant_en.pdf (Droidcon), Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
Updated by Wolfgang Wiedmeyer almost 8 years ago · 34 revisions