PromotionalMedia » History » Version 1
dl lud, 12/11/2019 03:49 AM
Added banner.
1 | 1 | dl lud | h1. Promotional Media |
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3 | h2. Banner |
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5 | !banner.png! |
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7 | * attachment:banner.svg - SVG version produced with Inkscape. |
8 | * attachment:banner.sla - Preferred version, in SLA, produced with Scribus due to better colour profiling support. |
9 | * attachment:banner.pdf - Final export for printing, in CMYK (ISO Coated v2) colour profile. |
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11 | So far one unit was printed on a 1200x600 mm PVC tarpaulin with reinforced edges and grommets. Meant to be used at "36C3":, "FOSDEM 2020": and other future conferences where Replicant will have a stand. |
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13 | The full reasoning behind the simple design, as well as previous iterations, can be checked at the "Assembly at 36C3 - Banner Idea": thread on the Replcaint mailing list. |
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15 | h3. Addons |
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17 | To spice up the banner, strips of paper are hanged from the grommets on the lower side of the banner. They act much like a "MOTD": or a roadside letter board, containing jokes or catchy sentences that can be changed every day of the conference. Examples are: |
18 | > Hack your phone. |
19 | > You can disable the modem! |
20 | > Privacy is impossible without free software. |
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22 | h3. License |
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24 | Copyright © 2019 @adfeno |
25 | Licensed under the "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License": |
26 | With contributions from: @dllud, [[People#Denis-GNUtoo-Carikli|GNUtoo]], TJ and user#3003. |
27 | Based upon the [[Artwork|Replicant Artwork]] with [[Artwork#Typeface|League Gothic typeface]]. |