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Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli, 01/03/2018 06:44 PM
Move the heimdall recovery part here

Recovery installation or update trough Heimdall


In order to install Replicant on your device, it is assumed that you have a computer running a GNU/Linux operating system and everything necessary to connect your device to the computer through USB. Moreover, it is assumed that anyone performing the installation knows how to use the command line in a terminal and has basic knowledge about it.

Downloading the files

The first step in the installation process is to download and set up the files that will be used to install Replicant to the device. The files must be downloaded on your computer first.

1. First find the latest image for your device in ReplicantImages. For instance for a Galaxy S2, the table will have

Galaxy S 2 (I9100)
in the device column.
2. Download all the files listed for your device (including the checksum and the signatures) on ReplicantImages for the latest image.
3. Make sure you have added the Replicant release key to your GPG keyring

Check the signature of the recovery

4. First identify the recovery file and its corresponding signature file:
The recovery file will look like that:


And the its corresponding signature file will look like that:

For instance for the Samsung Galaxy S2, the file will be named like that:
  • recovery-i9100.img
  • recovery-i9100.img.asc

5. From the command line, go inside the directory that has the dowloaded files:

cd "${HOME}/Downloads/" 

6. Then check the signature of the recovery (and don't forget to sure to substitute "<yourdevice>" with the actual device name):
gpg --armor --verify recovery-<yourdevice>.img.asc recovery-<yourdevice>.img

Make sure the check succeeds, do not install anything if it doesn't!

Installing heimdall

The heimdall tool is required to flash the recovery image to the device.
Instructions to install heimdall: ToolsInstallation

Preparing the device

The next step in the installation process is to prepare the device for heimdall mode.

1. Make sure the device is completely turned off and the USB cable is disconnected from the device
2. Start the device by holding the following key combination: Volume down, Select, Power
3. Hold the key combination until the device shows a Warning message
4. Confirm that you want to download a custom OS (using volume up)
5. Make sure the device is in Downloading mode
4. Connect the USB cable to both the computer and the device

Installing the images

Now that both the computer and the device are set up, it is time to actually install the images to the device.

1. Install the recovery image to the device:

heimdall flash --BOOT path/to/recovery-i9300.img --RECOVERY path/to/recovery-i9300.img

This should also automatically reboot the device to the recovery.

Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli about 7 years ago · 1 revisions

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