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dl lud, 02/04/2020 12:28 AM
Fix dates on table. Add adjtm's PinePhone. Add links to devices' pages.

FSF and Replicant agreement

The FSF and developers (Denis Carikli and Paul Kocialkowski) representing the Replicant project have made an agreement in 2013 that enables the FSF to conduct fundraising in the name of Replicant and governs fund usage.

In a nutshell:
  • The FSF holds Replicant funds and acts like an umbrella Organization.
  • The person that is designed to be in contact with the FSF is Denis Carikli.
  • The people responsible for fund usage decisions are Paul Kocialkowski and Denis Carikli
  • Our contact at the FSF is John Sullivan


date Amendments Signatures
? (Before FOSDEM 2018) Removal of the
 Unless authorized by a written
amendment to this Agreement, signed by both parties, the Initiative
Fund shall not be used to pay for software or software development
20 April 2019 * Filippo Bergamo was added to the agreement
* Joonas Kylmälä was added to the agreement
* Paul Kocialkowski was removed from the agreement
The signatures were done through mail with GPG:
From: Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli
To: John Sullivan
Cc: Joonas Kylmälä, Fil Bergamo, Paul Kocialkowski
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2019 17:30:58 +0100


I, Denis Carikli, agree to add the following people to the
"Fundraising and Development Agreement" that exists between the FSF and the
Replicant project: 
- Filippo Bergamo
- Joonas Kylmälä
and I also agree to remove Paul Kocialkowski from this agreement.

Denis Carikli. 

From: Paul Kocialkowski
To: Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli, John Sullivan
Cc: Joonas Kylmälä , Fil Bergamo
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2019 01:07:57 +0200


I, Paul Kocialkowski, agree to add the following people to the
"Fundraising and Development Agreement" that exists between the FSF and
the Replicant project:
- Filippo Bergamo
- Joonas Kylmälä
and also agree to remove myself from this agreement.



Fund reports, usage, and donations

Report Comments
01/2019 "As of 11/2014 Paul Kocialkowski had Petty Cash of €36.00" is outdated as that was handled over in a sealed envelope to Denis Carikli who keeps them for the Replicant project
Price What People and/or location Rationale Result
€45.00 1x Odroid-U3 David 'dllud' Ludovino
  He needs it to test the hardware bringup and set-up of the Mali GPU
  with the mainline Lima kernel driver. 

  According to him, people have been reporting some difficulty on the
  Galaxy SIII, while things seem to be working ok with ODROID U3.

  Also, at least one core Lima developer has access to one ODROID U3,
  and used it to add support for the Exynos4412 SoC.

  If he or GrimKriegor who works with him stumble upon many unknowns in
  the Galaxy SIII they can use the ODROID for some testing.
* Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli: Agreed
* Joonas Kylmälä: Agreed
* Filippo Bergamo: Agreed
€39.00 1x Odroid-U3 Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli
  We have now someone IRC who is working to understand if
  it's possible to run a fully free bootloader on the Galaxy SIII.

  Since she knows a lot of people that could help as well, including
  people that know how to find bootrom exploits, we have increased a
  lot the probability of having a fully free bootloader on the Galaxy
  SIII and other devices with the Exynos 4412.

  There is also an u-boot port for the Galaxy SIII and similar
  devices by Simon Shields, which currently depends on a nonfree and
  non-redistributable first stage. When he sent that code upstream,
  it broke booting on the Odroid U3[1], so the code was not merged.

  This would allow GNUtoo or other Replicant contributors[2] get the support
  for the Galaxy SIII and similar devices merged upstream.

  [2]GNUtoo could also bring it at the FOSDEM and pass it on to someone who
   would be interested in doing that work.
* Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli: Agreed
* Joonas Kylmälä: Agreed
* Filippo Bergamo: Agreed

What belongs to Replicant

Date What Provenance Location
N/A Money Various donnations FSF
Before 2020 (I don't remember precisely) €36.00 in coins and/or cash in a sealed envelope Donnations during the Capitole du libre conference in France. At Denis Carikli's address
01/02/2020 €74.25 in cash Technoethical t-shirt sales At Denis Carikli's address
Around 2020 * 1 Odroid-U3 with eMMC
* 1 plastic case for the Odroid-U3
* 1 power supply for the Odroid-U3
Bought with Replicant's money At Denis Carikli's address
Around 2020 * 1 Odroid U3
* 1 plastic case for the Odroid-U3
* 1 power supply for the Odroid-U3
Bought with Replicant's money At David Ludovino's address
? Maybe some other smartphones and tablets, not clear Donations and purchases from Replicant's money Former or current Replicant developers


Several devices were bought with Replicant's money.

They were typically used to do new ports, or to make sure that the new main Replicant developer doing most of the work could continue supporting a given device.

If GNUtoo's memory is good, one probably has been resold (with the money going to Replicant) because the port was too complicated (graphics were too slow).

Other devices were donated to the Replicant project and/or individuals working on it. It's not always clear to whom the devices are donated but donors typically donate them to enable to work on them and/or do something useful with them.

Even if it's not always clear who the device belongs to, at the end of the day it's not very important as the convention is, when meeting other developers that need the device to work on it, to bring and to pass it along there.

Developers having devices passed to them are typically Replicant developers, but potential other developers were not excluded if they wanted to work on things that were aligned with the goals of Replicant or freedom.

Here are the known devices where it is unclear if the device belongs to the individual or the Replicant project:

Date What Provenance Location Comments
Before 2020 GTA04 A4 Individual donation during a conference (FOSDEM?) Denis Carikli's address
July 2019 Galaxy Note (N7000) Donation from Paul Kocialkowski at the Contributors Meeting in Paris. Denis Carikli's address
Before 2020 Nexus One Google's donation to Replicant when we were based on AOSP. Paul Kocialkowski's address This device no longer meets the freedom requirement of Replicant. Unless future advances make it possible to liberate it, or use it for other tasks that can improve freedom, it's not interesting anymore for anything beside Replicant's History.
Before 2020 ? ? Paul Kocialkowski's address
Before 2020 ? ? Wolfgang Weidermeier address
Around 2020 Device(s) to work on ofono RIL ? Joey's address
November 2019 PinePhone Donated by PINE64 adjtm's address Still waiting for adjtm's confirmation if it arrived.

Updated by dl lud about 5 years ago · 45 revisions

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