h1. Usage Notes General-purpose usage notes and tips h2. Enabling root access To allow root access, open the *Developer options* in the settings. There, press *Root access*. In the pop-up menu, select either *Apps only*, *ADB only* or *Apps and ADB*, depending on how you want to restrict root access. See [[ADB]] for more information about root access with ADB. h2. Device Encryption * Do not set the default keyboard (LatinIME) as a non-system app if you use encryption: it will prevent you from entering the password to open the encrypted storage. h2. Barcode scanning The mostly used barcode scanner app "ZXing":https://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdfilter=zxing&fdid=com.google.zxing.client.android has a slow preview. The "privacy-friendly QR Scanner":https://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdfilter=qr+code&fdid=com.secuso.privacyFriendlyCodeScanner has a faster preview.