

Kurtis Hanna

  • Login: KurtisHanna
  • Email:
  • Registered on: 02/09/2014
  • Last connection: 01/02/2023


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 1 1
Reported issues 14 9 23


Project Roles Registered on
Replicant Manager, Developer, Wiki author 03/09/2017
Database(s) on hardware and software Manager, Developer, Wiki author 12/01/2020
Documentation Manager, Developer, Wiki author 12/01/2020
libsamsung-ipc Manager, Developer, Wiki author 10/05/2020
Redmine sandbox Manager, Developer, Wiki author 12/01/2020
Replicant infrastructure Manager, Developer, Wiki author 04/08/2020
Upstreaming patches Manager, Developer, Wiki author 12/01/2020



09:24 PM Replicant Replicant usage: RE: Full backup
Do you just want to backup the data partition? If so, you should be able to follow this guide: https://redmine.replic... Kurtis Hanna


06:36 PM Replicant Replicant usage: RE: Bluetooth adapter
Do you mind testing to see whether Bluetooth currently works on your device without the dongle? It seems like some Re... Kurtis Hanna
05:38 PM Replicant Replicant usage: RE: Bluetooth adapter
I don't believe you can use that adapter with Replicant, unfortunately. What Replicant device are you trying to get b... Kurtis Hanna


11:57 PM Replicant Wiki edit: GalaxySIIGTI9100G (#87)
added pmOS i9100G wiki link Kurtis Hanna
11:40 PM Replicant Issue #2108: Make audio work
I'm not sure if these commits from March are helpful, but here they are: Kurtis Hanna


05:31 PM Upstreaming patches Issue #2202: midas: Make usb host work
I'm unsure if it is relevant to this issue, but a max77693 patch was applied upstream today: Kurtis Hanna


11:58 PM Replicant Issue #2125: Report battery % / charging
This patch, which is a v2 of an old Wolfgang patch, was just submitted upstream which claims to cause the i9300 to pr... Kurtis Hanna


02:04 AM Upstreaming patches Wiki edit: LinuxSupportedDevices (#6)
added pmOS status for Tab 2 7.0 and mainline fork DTS for Galaxy Nexus Kurtis Hanna
12:12 AM Upstreaming patches Wiki edit: LinuxSupportedDevices (#5)
added mainline fork DTS links for both Galaxy Tab 2 devices Kurtis Hanna


09:33 PM Replicant Issue #2125: Report battery % / charging
It looks like postmarketOS has recently been trying to solve this issue, but have run up against some issues: https:/... Kurtis Hanna

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