

Michael .

  • Login: e1118947
  • Registered on: 02/26/2014
  • Last connection: 02/28/2014


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03:46 PM Replicant About the Replicant project: Samsung Galaxy Back-door
Regarding this:
Any reaction from els...
Michael .
03:03 PM Replicant Issue #849: Issues with "Encrypt phone"
That's great that you have figured out the likely cause. As a point of reference I have no problems with the same set... Michael .
04:18 AM Replicant Issue #849: Issues with "Encrypt phone"
Hi. That's typical Murphy's law that all is fine on your Nexus! Sorry for not providing logs in my initial report. I ... Michael .
04:50 AM Replicant Issue #861: modem crash
It just happened twice more again when I was browsing the internet. However nothing *appears* to be wrong following t... Michael .
04:06 AM Replicant Issue #861 (Rejected): modem crash
I just had 3 texts on my i9300 (Replicant 4.2) in quick succession from Samsung-RIL saying the modem had crashed. I h... Michael .


12:52 AM Replicant Replicant installation: RE: Galaxy S3 i9305 stuck in Downloading/recovery mode
As Paul suggested, CyanogenMod (or perhaps OmniRom?) combined with F-Droid is perhaps your best. However, ...
Michael .

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