

Emmett Brown

  • Login: Emmett
  • Registered on: 06/10/2019
  • Last connection: 04/10/2021


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07:17 PM Replicant Issue #1773: Metalic and horrible sound quality when call are made through 3G network / Replicant 4.2 & 6.0 on I9300 and N7100
Please find attached two ogg files.
One record of a 2G phone call
One record of a 3G phone call
The volume ...
Emmett Brown


09:35 PM Replicant Replicant usage: RE: Mail apps
FairEmail works great for me on my i9300 running replicant 6.0 0004 RC4 Emmett Brown


08:33 PM Replicant Replicant usage: RE: Mail apps
You can also use FairEmail which is a fork ok k9-mail
It works well for me
Emmett Brown


11:17 AM Replicant Issue #1773: Metalic and horrible sound quality when call are made through 3G network / Replicant 4.2 & 6.0 on I9300 and N7100
I just installed replicant 6.0004 RC4 on i9300, and i've got this problem of metallic sound when using 3G networ...
Emmett Brown


10:21 AM Replicant Issue #2152: Test the RC3 on the supported devices
I tried to flash a galaxy S3 4G i9305.
It boots correctly.
I didn't try to insert a simcard. I assume it's not go...
Emmett Brown


04:38 AM Replicant About the Replicant project: Replicant 10
Hello Everyone,
Thank you so much for the work that you do around replicant projet.
I'm using a note 2 since 2017...
Emmett Brown


07:14 PM Replicant Replicant development: RE: [n7100] - Sim card no more recognize
Hi Louis,
This is precisly what I did : Flash the stock rom.
I can't remember where I was able to find a website ...
Emmett Brown


07:16 AM Replicant Replicant development: RE: [6.0004 on N7100] - Extra network doesn't work
Kurtis Hanna wrote:
> Hello Emmett,
> I thought the wifi adapter had to be AR9271, not AR7291. Here's our wiki ...
Emmett Brown


03:45 PM Replicant Replicant development: RE: [6.0004 on N7100] - Extra network doesn't work
I found something on this forum
Emmett Brown
07:19 AM Replicant Replicant development: RE: [6.0004 on N7100] - Extra network doesn't work
Instead of setprop net.dns1 192.168.XXX.XXX
I used "ndc resolver setnetdns eth0 "" X.X.X.X X.X.X.X
Now, from term...
Emmett Brown

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