

Joey Hewitt

  • Login: scintill
  • Registered on: 08/05/2019
  • Last connection: 01/05/2021


open closed Total
Assigned issues 1 0 1
Reported issues 2 0 2


Project Roles Registered on
Replicant Wiki author 08/05/2019
libsamsung-ipc Wiki author 10/05/2020



12:42 AM Replicant Feature #2206: Note 2 LTE modem on mainline kernel
P.S. Credit to for the HSIC devicetree code. Joey Hewitt
12:41 AM Replicant Feature #2206 (New): Note 2 LTE modem on mainline kernel
I'll track work on LTE modems on mainline kernel. The attached patch goes in the kernel. Build and install https://gi... Joey Hewitt


06:25 AM Replicant Feature #1958: Note II LTE modem (ofono Java RIL)
Since the last post, I have reversed and implemented it in oFono, so now call audio works! I have ... Joey Hewitt


11:19 PM Replicant Wiki edit: QMI-RIL (#33)
add Note II LTE issue link Joey Hewitt
11:11 PM Replicant Feature #1958 (In Progress): Note II LTE modem (ofono Java RIL)
I'm working on porting my oFono-based Java RIL to Replicant 6 on Note II LTE (which should also apply to Galaxy S III... Joey Hewitt


04:17 AM Replicant Wiki edit: GalaxyNote2N7100Installation (#10)
add SSP firmare note Joey Hewitt
04:14 AM Replicant Wiki edit: GalaxyNote2N7100LoadedFirmwares (#5)
Joey Hewitt


02:55 AM Replicant Wiki edit: QMI-RIL (#30)
add some more Sahara links Joey Hewitt


03:27 PM Replicant Wiki edit: GalaxySIII4GGTI9305 (#27)
add mainlining notes Joey Hewitt
02:16 AM Replicant Issue #1849: SIM card does not work after device encryption
Does the SIM card have a PIN code set? Joey Hewitt

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