

Richard "Cylus" Palmer

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  • Registered on: 09/19/2014
  • Last connection: 01/16/2015


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 8 9


Project Roles Registered on
Replicant Wiki author 09/28/2014
libsamsung-ipc Wiki author 10/05/2020



02:27 AM Replicant Issue #1131: Bizare SIM card
I rebooted, and the radio boot seems to happen thrice. I guess that means it crashed twice?
If I understand correc...
Richard "Cylus" Palmer


06:22 AM Replicant Issue #1131: Bizare SIM card
I'm *very* sorry I didn't respond to this sooner. Somehow, I didn't even see the alert in my inbox, though it did com... Richard "Cylus" Palmer


04:17 AM Replicant Issue #993: SIM card isn't fully usable when SIM lock is engaged
Phone menu bug: <>
I'm not even sure it's specific to my device, as my dev...
Richard "Cylus" Palmer
04:15 AM Replicant Issue #1131 (Closed): Bizare SIM card
As requested by Paulk, here is a bug report on my bizarre SIM card, which may or may not be related to a bug in Repli... Richard "Cylus" Palmer
03:23 AM Replicant Issue #1125 (New): The "additional settings" option in the "phone" application doesn't work.
When selecting the "additional settings" option in the "phone" application's Calls settings menu, a popup displaying ... Richard "Cylus" Palmer


01:58 AM Replicant Issue #993 (Closed): SIM card isn't fully usable when SIM lock is engaged
There seems to be a couple small issues with the SIM card still, but one issue is likely caused by the SIM card being... Richard "Cylus" Palmer


07:34 AM Replicant Issue #993: SIM card isn't fully usable when SIM lock is engaged
That's unfortunate about the source requirement, but I suppose it can't be helped. I'll get the new release installed... Richard "Cylus" Palmer
05:05 AM Replicant Issue #993: SIM card isn't fully usable when SIM lock is engaged
I've been downloading the source code for almost four days, and it still hasn't finished. I'll continue downloading, ... Richard "Cylus" Palmer


08:24 PM Replicant Issue #993: SIM card isn't fully usable when SIM lock is engaged
Sorry it took so long to respond.
How do I go about updating the Samsung-RIL? I see the source code is available a...
Richard "Cylus" Palmer


01:05 AM Replicant Issue #1005 (Rejected): List of attendees on the calendar gets truncated when editing an event
When editing an event on the calendar, Only the first two attendees will be listed by name. The others will be listed... Richard "Cylus" Palmer

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