

Olivier Mondoloni

  • Login: elgrande71
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  • Registered on: 12/22/2014
  • Last connection: 07/25/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 1 1



10:43 AM Replicant Replicant installation: RE: Testing Replicant 6.0 0004 RC4 images on Samsung i9300 and n7100 devices
The Replicant 6.0 0003 was initially installed on the n7100 device .
I upgraded it to 6.0 0004 rc1 version after fol...
Olivier Mondoloni


01:11 PM Replicant Replicant installation: Testing Replicant 6.0 0004 RC4 images on Samsung i9300 and n7100 devices
Hi, first, I want to greafully thank the Replicant team for his work .
I tested the lastest release candidate 6.0 00...
Olivier Mondoloni


08:49 AM Replicant Devices evaluations: RE: Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE (GT-I9305)
Thank you for your precise response . Olivier Mondoloni


02:18 PM Replicant Devices evaluations: RE: Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE (GT-I9305)
At this time ( with the lastest replicant images ), modem is not working so we could not go to Internet with it ?
Olivier Mondoloni


11:54 AM Replicant Replicant installation: RE: Installation i9100, Replicant 4.2, Signature Warning
Your message means that the file integrity is good .
The chain of trust is optional as I can said .
Olivier Mondoloni
11:37 AM Replicant Replicant usage: RE: Samsung Galaxy Note 2 N7100 - screen rotation possible ?
After testing my device on Cyanogenmod 10.3, it seems that screen rotation is working .
I reinstalled Replicant 4.2 ...
Olivier Mondoloni


09:25 PM Replicant Issue #1167: Samsung Galaxy Note 2 N7100 - Screen rotation not working
I fix my problem after running several tests .
First I installed the last stable version of Cyanogenmod for the N710...
Olivier Mondoloni
03:12 PM Replicant Issue #1167: Samsung Galaxy Note 2 N7100 - Screen rotation not working
The command adb shell dmesg output is : klogctl: Operation not permitted
Before Replicant installation, screen rotat...
Olivier Mondoloni


10:56 AM Replicant Replicant usage: RE: Samsung Galaxy Note 2 N7100 - screen rotation possible ?
I opened a bug report .
Sorry I forgot to mention Replicant version 4.2 and ...
Olivier Mondoloni
09:48 AM Replicant Issue #1167 (Closed): Samsung Galaxy Note 2 N7100 - Screen rotation not working
I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 device ( N7100 ) with the lastest Replicant image on it .
I am happy with it b...
Olivier Mondoloni

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