


  • Login: i3_relativism
  • Registered on: 01/20/2021
  • Last connection: 01/20/2023


open closed Total
Assigned issues 6 3 9
Reported issues 9 6 15


Project Roles Registered on
Replicant Developer, Wiki author 01/21/2021
Documentation Developer, Wiki author 01/21/2021
libsamsung-ipc Developer, Wiki author 01/21/2021
Redmine sandbox Manager, Wiki author 02/06/2022
Replicant infrastructure Developer, Wiki author 01/21/2021
Upstreaming patches Developer, Wiki author 02/18/2021



01:33 PM Replicant Wiki edit: People (#107)
update my email _I3^ RELATIVISM


12:55 PM Replicant Issue #2307: ipc-modem is unreliable


10:36 PM Replicant Issue #2298: new GDPR improvements-> website
By the way GNUtoo I just look into this and this is very easy to fix I dont fully understand the legal implications t... _I3^ RELATIVISM
10:23 PM Replicant Issue #2298: new GDPR improvements-> website
By the way GNUtoo I just look into this and is very easy to fix it dont fully understand the legal implications inclu... _I3^ RELATIVISM


08:58 PM Replicant Feature #2312: Remove sharing capabilities of browser and camera applications
so basically what im refering to permissions can be changed by user so that is in a way a non problem _I3^ RELATIVISM
08:55 PM Replicant Feature #2312: Remove sharing capabilities of browser and camera applications
Indeed I tried to explain said to 'user_1'. Understandable, we are in agreence on this,Issue was open for posterity i... _I3^ RELATIVISM
07:30 PM Replicant Feature #2312 (Rejected): Remove sharing capabilities of browser and camera applications
Suggested by user_1 in IRC
Replicant should remove support for the "share" feauture on browser and camera applicat...
08:46 PM Replicant Feature #2310 (Closed): Probable support in mainline for S3neo(I9301) with lk2nd
08:45 PM Replicant Feature #2310: Probable support in mainline for S3neo(I9301) with lk2nd
Thanks for feedback, I will move this to wiki then _I3^ RELATIVISM


11:27 AM Replicant Issue #2241: Ship a terminal application or document how to use the builtin one
Yeah would be usefull to have a terminal by default, especial be cause of current networking stat÷ _I3^ RELATIVISM

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