

Victor Shilin

  • Login: Chrono
  • Registered on: 03/18/2021
  • Last connection: 03/31/2021


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04:56 PM Upstreaming patches Issue #2202: midas: Make usb host work
OTG now works on i9300 in Linux kernel 4.20:
Victor Shilin


05:57 PM Upstreaming patches Issue #2202: midas: Make usb host work
I was investigating how the OTG support is done in the smdk4412 3.0.101 kernel.
3.0.101 indeed has some codepaths act...
Victor Shilin


04:25 PM Replicant Issue #2125: Report battery % / charging
healthd service detected device charging after setting the charger driver type from POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE_BATTERY to POWE... Victor Shilin


04:02 PM Replicant Issue #2234: ipc-modem doesn't call with the replicant 11 kernel
@GNUtoo, by any chance, did anyone test the modem on the original dev branch of the kernel / libsamsung-ipc by Simon ... Victor Shilin


04:52 PM Replicant Issue #2125: Report battery % / charging
The battery driver needs to use VF SOC register in order to report the charge percentage correctly (the following pat... Victor Shilin
04:18 PM Replicant Issue #2109: Make the internal WiFi work
Internal wifi worked in replicant 11 (no significant efforts were required to adapt it to Android 11 since it worked ... Victor Shilin

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