

Jacob Bahn

  • Login: jacobbahn
  • Registered on: 02/22/2016
  • Last connection: 01/18/2020


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06:58 PM Replicant Replicant usage: Jami or wire
I also asked this question on
Can someone with experience from using Jami and Wire give a short co...
Jacob Bahn


10:16 AM Replicant Security: Is the Replicant code secure?
Even the source code of Replicant is free, how sure can we be that it does not contain features that compromise secur... Jacob Bahn


02:08 PM Replicant Issue #1773: Metalic and horrible sound quality when call are made through 3G network / Replicant 4.2 & 6.0 on I9300 and N7100
After installing the LineageOS 14.1 which Niklas K uses, I got gps to work.
Sound will be tested later.
Jacob Bahn


08:15 AM Replicant Issue #1773: Metalic and horrible sound quality when call are made through 3G network / Replicant 4.2 & 6.0 on I9300 and N7100
Following the links from Kurtis Hanna I installed LineageOS 16.
There is no issue about the sound, i.e. the sound is...
Jacob Bahn


07:50 PM Replicant About the Replicant project: RE: Reguest: Image of the original Lineageos used to develop Replicant 6.0
Andrés D, thanks for your response.
Do you know where to find reliable and easy to follow instructions on how to b...
Jacob Bahn


06:44 PM Replicant About the Replicant project: Reguest: Image of the original Lineageos used to develop Replicant 6.0
I am not sure where to ask this question, or even if the question makes sense.
Is it possible to get a copy of the...
Jacob Bahn
06:38 PM Replicant Security: RE: Web browser: Which is a better alternative
Fil, the page and topic you link to seems outdated (?). There is a reference to Lightning, but Lightning has not been... Jacob Bahn
06:21 PM Replicant Security: RE: Web browser: Which is a better alternative
9be42f24d3 cfcedda835, I am sorry to realise that I have totally forgotten to answer. Thanks for your recommendation.... Jacob Bahn
10:38 AM Replicant Issue #1773: Metalic and horrible sound quality when call are made through 3G network / Replicant 4.2 & 6.0 on I9300 and N7100
Niklas K, I wish to make a test installation of LineageOS on my N7100. Can you recommend where to download an image f... Jacob Bahn


07:38 PM Replicant Replicant usage: RE: wifi AND power at the same time?
Thanks. I wish there was a more elegant solution but that seems to do the job. Jacob Bahn

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