

John R

  • Login: replicantor
  • Registered on: 12/20/2022
  • Last connection: 01/04/2025


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 5 0 5



07:03 PM Replicant Replicant usage: Galxy Tab 2 10.1: How to enable graphics accelaration _only_?
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 espressowifi is extremely slow graphics-wise. None of the Firefox-based browsers can...
John R


08:18 PM Replicant Replicant usage: How to modify sepolicy (SELinux policy)
I am looking for a way to modify /sepolicy (found in boot.img) for the purpose of installing a service. For se...
John R
08:07 PM Replicant Issue #2333 (New): Cannot remove wallpaper
Trying to remove wallpaper (set it to none) on Tab 2 10.1 results in a short error message and the wallpaper is not r... John R
08:03 PM Replicant Feature #2332 (New): Integrate DNSCrypt by default
Considering the security and privacy benefits of DNSCrypt, it would be great to have dnscrypt-proxy as default DNS sy... John R
07:56 PM Replicant Replicant build: Looking for working build documentation for Replicant 6
Can anyone please provide info how to build Replicant 6? The documentation seems outdated (I have reported ...
John R
07:51 PM Replicant Issue #2331 (New): Color temperature and gamma settings don't work
I notice that whatever settings I use for color temperature or gamma, the screen appearance does not change.
John R
07:46 PM Replicant Issue #2330 (New): Improve recovery UI
I have installed Replicant 6.0 0004 on Galaxy S3 and on Galaxy Tab 2 10.1. The UI of the recovery mode is really bad.... John R
07:35 PM Replicant Issue #2324: Recovery image for n7100 missing from
Note: I am replying here just because clicking "Watch" leads me to a "Page not found". John R
07:31 PM Documentation Issue #2329 (New): Outdated build documentation
I have been struggling to build Replicant 6 as described in the current documentation because I could not find any ot... John R


01:24 PM Replicant Security: RE: DNSCrypt on Replicant?
I know that this app exists. However, I am looking for a "clean" way to install dnscrypt-proxy, i.e. not thro...
John R

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