

Finn Damn

  • Login: Finn
  • Registered on: 06/16/2017
  • Last connection: 07/23/2018


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09:42 PM Replicant Issue #1783: SIM card not recognized (regression, was working with Replicant 4.2)
Same issue: The SIM card in my i9100 is still not recognized with the patched file. :'(
By the way, the battery cons...
Finn Damn


04:34 PM Replicant Issue #1824: italian fastweb SIM card not recognized
So what is the issue now? I cannot receive or do calls on my Replicant 6 with i9100 device.
Service incl. phone numb...
Finn Damn


07:51 PM Replicant Issue #1824: italian fastweb SIM card not recognized
I also recognized this issue today on my i9100 phone because I had not received an important call. :\ Finn Damn


12:01 AM Replicant Replicant installation: RE: F-Droid Privileged Extension signatures
When will the update appear for Replicant 6.0? Finn Damn


05:16 PM Replicant Replicant usage: RE: Easy way to install proprietary Wi-Fi blobs on the I9100?
Thank you, Wolfgang. It works for me, too. :) Finn Damn


10:44 AM Replicant Replicant installation: RE: trouble upgrading my Galaxy S2 from 4.2 to 6.0
I used the provided ADB file and this transfers the data. Thank you.
I also downloaded the recovery files, but the...
Finn Damn
12:45 AM Replicant Replicant installation: RE: trouble upgrading my Galaxy S2 from 4.2 to 6.0
In this case I can just try the SD card or ADB, right?
I'll try it later.. Thank you so far.
Finn Damn


01:56 PM Replicant Replicant installation: RE: trouble upgrading my Galaxy S2 from 4.2 to 6.0
I also experienced trouble with the installation from 4.2 to 6.0 on Galaxy S II (computer system: Debian 8.8, stable)... Finn Damn

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