

Paula McCloud

  • Login: Ginsiou
  • Registered on: 08/14/2017
  • Last connection: 08/14/2017


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03:40 AM Replicant Security: RE: [PATCH][i9100] Encrypted Emulated Internal Storage
Ah easy peasy. Thank you for help. Much nice, help protect my family. Paula McCloud
03:26 AM Replicant Security: RE: [PATCH][i9100] Encrypted Emulated Internal Storage
Grim Kriegor wrote:
> + means added line, - means removed line.
Does include triple + and - or only singles?
Paula McCloud
02:47 AM Replicant Security: RE: [PATCH][i9100] Encrypted Emulated Internal Storage
Excuse poor English.
How can I emulate storage? I downloaded source code and change direct it to "device / samsung...
Paula McCloud

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